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Wind of Citizens toward Uniting for Peace
Japan | Ativismo
There exist persistent movements to alter the world renowned Peace Constitution of Japan. Japanese major political parties, DP and LDP, do not have the programs to maintain the present Constitution, especially, article 9, which bans land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, and the right of belligerency of the state. Members of the House of Representatives are elected by the single-seat constituency system for 300 seats, and by the proportional representation system for 180 seats. Therefore potential "article 9 seat" could fail to be won when “multiple article 9 candidates" run for one single-seat constituency. Founded on May 26, 2006, Wind of Citizens toward Uniting  ...Ver
Rev. P. Dr. Thelian Argeo Corona Cortez SDB
Rev. P. Dr. Thelian Argeo Corona Cortez SDB
Bolivia | Educação
Despues de 38 años de Docencia en instituciones de Estudios Superiores – Universitarios, desde 1963 a 2001 impartiendo materias Filosóficas, Pedagógicas, Ciencias Religiosas, Salesianidad, Sociología, Teología y Pastoral fué: • Rector de la Universidad Salesiana de México 8 años: 1976–1978 y 1995-2001 • Director del Instituto Salesiano de Filosofía en Coacalco, Méx 1978-1986 • Director de Ediciones Don Bosco, México 1986-1989 • Director del Instituto Don Bosco México 1989 - 1995 • Asesor de Rectoría de la USB desde Agosto 2003 • RECTOR de la USB desde Marzo 2005. apoyó, desde la labor educativa que desarrolla, a la difusion de la Metodología de la No Vio  ...Ver
Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia
Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia
Bolivia | Educação
La Universidad Salesiana de Bolivia USB se fundó en 1998. Forma parte de una RED de 47 Universidades Salesianas en todo el mundo, que constituyen las I.U.S. es una alternativa de Educación Superior, que ofrece un desarrollo académico integral humano-cristiano, teniendo como objetivo la misión de San Juan Bosco aplicada a la Educación Superior: "Formar Profesionales competentes que sean buenos cristianos y honrados ciudadanos".  ...Ver
Dominique Béroule
Dominique Béroule
France | Ciências |
Chercheur en science cognitive au CNRS, militant écologiste et initiateur de l'Altertour.  ...Ver
Romania | Outros temas
Our mission is to help people in need during their way through social reintegration by making their surrounding milieu good, sensitizing society and state institutions, encouraging targeted social actions. The Association was born in Torino, Italy, in 1991 targeting people with problems linked to drugs, emigration, alcohol, prostitution, crimes, physical and mental handicaps. Lately, "enzo b" began to work also in poor countries, with a special regard to young people and poor babies. Since 2004, Association "enzo b" has been developping in Romania residential and home care centres, social farming, fair trade. Such activities has involved people from Iasi, Bacau, Neamt, Galati, Botosani, Bi  ...Ver
Asociacion de Colectivos Trans, Lésbico, Gay y Bisexual de la Ciudad de El Alto
Asociacion de Colectivos Trans, Lésbico, Gay y Bisexual de la Ciudad de El Alto
Bolivia | Ativismo
La Asociación de Colectivos TLGB de la Ciudad de El Alto - Bolivia aglutina a 17 grupos o familias de personas Gays, Lesbianas, Bisexuales y Trans. Procura llegar a erradicar la discriminación en razón de Orientación Sexual y Genero buscando el valorar al Ser Humano por encima de los mismos.  ...Ver
(Fmr.) Sen. Wigberto
(Fmr.) Sen. Wigberto "Bobby" Tañada
Philippines | Política
Wigberto "Bobby" Tañada was a senator, from 1987 to 1995, of the Republic of the Philippines. He is the son the former senator (deceased) Lorenzo Tañada who steadfastly opposed the regime of President Ferdinand E. Marcos. Bobby Tañada is a much respected politician and civil/human rights advocate.  ...Ver
Association for Civil Society of Slovenia - LOM
Association for Civil Society of Slovenia - LOM
Slovenia | Direitos Humanos
Association for Civil Society of Slovenia – LOM was established in February 2009 by group of young people – post-graduate students and youth workers. Our main goals: - encouraging solidarity and tolerance among people and developing social cohesion, - encouraging intercultural dialog, active civil society and active citizenship.  ...Ver
Mladinski center Podlaga
Mladinski center Podlaga
Slovenia | Outros temas
Youth center in Sežana, Slovenia  ...Ver
Zeleni Center - Multicultural Center for Peace
Zeleni Center - Multicultural Center for Peace
Slovenia | Religião e Espiritualidade
Our aim is: give a substantial contribute to peace between human beings, to respect of nature and development of counsciousness of Human Being.  ...Ver

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