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Марш, День 93-й !
2 ОКТЯБРЯ 2009 г.
2 ЯНВАРЯ 2010 г.

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Полезная информация

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Sasko Kocev
Sasko Kocev
Macedonia | TV-Cinema-Theatre
Vladimir Krstevski Franc
Vladimir Krstevski Franc
Macedonia | Music
Petar Mladenovski
Petar Mladenovski
Macedonia | Music
Elizabeta Klincarevska Mladenovska
Elizabeta Klincarevska Mladenovska
Macedonia | Music
Slave Spirovski
Slave Spirovski
Macedonia | Music
Boris Trajanov
Boris Trajanov
Macedonia | Music
Spain | Peace and Nonviolence
Es una asociación cultural de ámbito regional y sin ánimo de lucro formada por voluntarios que trabajan por el bienestar personal con miras a potenciar una cultura de paz que favorezca un cambio futuro hacia un mundo más habitable, equilibrado y sostenible. Nuestros fundamentos se nutren de la labor humanitaria y benéfica realizada por Prem Rawat , voz a favor de la paz interior como motor de cambio de los conflictos externos del mundo. "No es el mundo el que necesita paz; sino las personas. Cuando las personas estén en paz en su interior, el mundo estará en paz".  ...Читать дальше?
Analia Farfan
Analia Farfan
United States | Art
Analia Farfan started studying ballet at 8 years old in Argentina with Josefina Serrano and later on with Olga Ferri and R. Dimitrierich among others. In 2001 she performed with Liliana Belfiore (ballet director) who choreographs for her “Carmen” in honor of the National Argentina Senate (Bs. As). Also the same year Analia studied contemporary dance with Ana Maria Stekelmann and also was chosen for Osvaldo Sotto to study and perform tango in Bs. As. In 2002 she studied in Paris with Atilio Labis and studied tango with Federico Gueran. In 2003 she performed with “Theatre Iseion” as a ballet corp, and also studied contact improvisation with Didie Theron in (Montpellier) France. In  ...Читать дальше?
Dr. Edric Baker
Dr. Edric Baker
New Zealand | Health
Dr Baker is a New Zealand born Doctor who has spent over two decades working with the poor and treating the poor in Bangladesh. Dr Baker also worked in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. In 1983 he set up the Kailakuri Health Centre in Bangladesh. Dr Baker's belief is that to effectively assist the poor you have to identify and live with the poor. His deep belief in the Christian faith has made him painfully aware of the plight of the destitute, vulnerable and outcasts of society. The Kailakuri Health Centre has staff from different ethnicities and faiths who harmoniously work and live together for the good of their community.  ...Читать дальше?
Fundación Sur
Fundación Sur
Spain | Other
La Fundación Sur es el máximo referente sobre África en España y una de las Instituciones de investigación, sensibilización, desarrollo y documentación más destacadas a nivel internacional. Su objetivo es informar y educar en todas aquellas áreas que conciernen al continente africano: sociedad, política, economía, geografía, historia, arte, cultura, religión, filosofía, lingüística, ciencia, tecnología, etc.  ...Читать дальше?

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