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March Day 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information

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Amsterdam Commemoration event for the victims of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Netherlands | 06. 八月 2009 21:26 |
On the 6th of August a commemoration event took place in the central square of Amsterdam, organised by the Comunity for Human Development, endorser and promotor of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in the Netherlands  ...查看?

Ceremonies marking the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Japan | 06. 八月 2009 20:15 |
Rafael de la Rubia, spokesperson for the World March was invited to attend a commemoration of the atomic bombing of Japanese cities between 6 and 11 August. He is travelling with a special delegation of representatives of various countries, including Japanese descendants.  ...查看?

Conmemorando Hiroshima en la Casa Asia de Barcelona
Spain | 06. 八月 2009 17:59 |
En la Casa Asia de Barcelona diversas personalidades han homenajeado a las víctimas de Hiroshima y apoyado la Marcha Mundial  ...查看?

Comemoração 64 Aniversário Hiroshima em Moçambique
Mozambique | 06. 八月 2009 16:58 |
Foi organizado em Moçambique, no dia 6 de Agosto, no Instituto Camões, um evento de comemoração do 64 aniversário do Bombardeamento da cidade de Hiroshima e em ocasião, fez-se também a apresentação da Marcha Mundial pela Paz e Não-Violência. O evento contou com a participação de cerca de 120 pessoas, desde estudantes universitários a representantes de diferentes organizações que tem apoiado a Marcha.  ...查看?

Hiroshima celebration in Prague "Tomorrow Hiroshima Shall Not Perish"
Czech Republic | 06. 八月 2009 15:39 |
Sixty-four years ago, the first atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima; three days later the scenario repeated in Nagasaki.  ...查看?

Marcha a favor de la Vida y las diferencias sexuales adhiere a la Marcha Mundial.
Colombia | 06. 八月 2009 07:43 |
El día 6 de Agosto en la ciudad de Santa Marta, en la Plaza de la Alcaldía como punto de encuentro, la Asociación de Trabajadores Sociales del Magdalena ATSMAG, convocó una marcha a favor de la vida y las diferencias sexuales.  ...查看?

Peace March expeditionaries rest at Mount Ararat's Base 1
Turkey | 06. 八月 2009 00:34 |
Eduardo Gozalo, Aurora Marquina, Alvaro Orus and a few others reached the meadow at 3400 metres and set up Base camp 1, with the plan to continue the climb towards the peak of Mount Ararat, the mythical site where it is said Noah's Ark came to rest after the Great Flood. They will continue towards Base 2, located at 4500 metres.  ...查看?

Hiroshima Flame to travel the world for nuclear abolition
Japan | 04. 八月 2009 08:09 |
A torch to be lit from the Hiroshima Flame on August 5 will be carried on a march around the world to promote the abolition of nuclear weapons – ending up at the United Nations in May 2010 for a major inter-governmental conference on nuclear non-proliferation. It will remain alight until all nuclear weapons are eliminated.  ...查看?

The World March introduced at Munzur Festival
Turkey | 04. 八月 2009 04:25 |
Edvino Ugolini representative of the Net of Artists against War has participated for the second time after 2005 on the 9th edition of the Munzur Festival which takes place in the city of Tuncely in Turkish Kurdistan.  ...查看?

Paz y no violencia para Bolivia, en los 184 años de su independencia
Argentina | 03. 八月 2009 03:32 |
La MM estuvo presente en el festejo de esa comunidad en Buenos Aires  ...查看?

Concierto de la Filarmónica de Toluca en apoyo a la Marcha Mundial
Mexico | 02. 八月 2009 12:26 |
La casa de las Diligencias volvió a ser sede de apoyo a la Marcha Mundial, ahora para la presentación de la Filarmónica de Toluca.  ...查看?

Presentación del Libro El Mensaje de Silo y la Marcha Mundial por la Paz
Mexico | 01. 八月 2009 13:26 |
En el Mesón de la Guitarra, lugar en el que durante generaciones hemos escuchado buena música de trova, se realizó el jueves 9 de julio la presentación del libro El Mensaje de Silo y la Marcha Mundial.  ...查看?

WWM auf 2 Festivals in Berlin
Germany | 30. 七月 2009 22:41 |
Der Weltweite Marsch war vom 23. bis 25. Juli auf das "Freigeist Festival" und das "Unite the Nation Festival" in Berlin eingeladen.  ...查看?

JWT converts planes into taxis to call for peace
Spain | 30. 七月 2009 21:54 |
How could war planes or aircraft carriers be reused should wars be eradicated? This idea was the starting point for the creativity of agency JWT Delvico for their World March advertising campaign.  ...查看?

Succáh por la paz en el Kibutz Holit
Israel | 30. 七月 2009 15:14 |
Los organizadores de la Marcha Mundial en Israel se han encontrado con dirigentes del Movimiento Shomer Hatzair y han acordado realizar dentro del marco de actividades de la MM 3 días de actividades, 7, 8 y 9 de octubre del 2009, relacionadas con la Paz y la No Violencia en el kibutz Holit.  ...查看?

Finnish President to meet the World Marchers
Finland | 27. 七月 2009 04:05 |
It has been confirmed that Tarja Halonen, the first female President of Finland, will meet a delegation of World Marchers as they pass through Helsinki on the 27th of October.  ...查看?

Nel cuore della Maremma Toscana il Primo Festival Umanista della Pace e Nonviolenza
Italy | 27. 七月 2009 00:30 |
A Marina di Grosseto, situata sulla costa tirrenica dell’Italia, con la collaborazione del Comune di Grosseto e la partecipazione di molte associazioni, si svolgerà dal 3 al 9 agosto il primo Festival Umanista per la Pace e la Nonviolenza.  ...查看?

Meetings promoting the World March in Thessaloniki
Greece | 26. 七月 2009 08:03 |
Three important meetings, among others, took place with institutions in Thessaloniki this week between a delegation made up of Camillo Comelli (coordinator of the Balkan Route), Stefano Cecere (organising committee - Florence) and Vasiliki Mitsiniotou (coordinator in Thessaloniki) in order to promote the World March.  ...查看?

Sao Paulo to support the World March
Brazil | 25. 七月 2009 05:39 |
Gilberto Kassab, Mayor of Sao Paulo, the city of 15 million inhabitants, in the largest country of South America, endorsed the World March this week with plans to promote big events on October 2nd.  ...查看?

Seeking partner schools for an exchange activity with French & English schools in Canada
Canada | 25. 七月 2009 04:13 |
In 2008, the 'Reseau International humaniste (RIH)' set up an educational program on Nonviolence and introduced it to five elementary schools in Laval, near Montreal (Quebec). Over the year, the program proved a success, and now the RIH has connected it to the World March.  ...查看?

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