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March Day 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information

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Jody Williams
Jody Williams
United States | Nobel Prizes
Ms. Jody Williams is the founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), which was formally launched by six nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in 1992. Ms. Williams has overseen the growth of the ICBL to more than 1,000 NGOs in more than sixty countries. She has served as the chief strategist and spokesperson for the campaign. Working in a unprecedented cooperative effort with governments, UN bodies and the International Committee of the Red Cross, the ICBL achieved its goal of an international treaty banning antipersonnel landmines during the diplomatic conference held in Oslo in September 1997. Ms. Williams was awarded the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize jointly with t  ...查看?
Carlos Sastre Candil
Carlos Sastre Candil
Spain | Sports
他受到了意大利人的廣泛歡迎和喜愛,並為他慶祝這場“跨越世紀的旅行”。在比賽第二階段結束后,西班牙冠軍Carlos Sastre和他的代表們在意大利的的裡雅斯特市一起露面, 表示支持世界游行,也支持無戰爭的世界舉辦的活動。他確認他會參加活動並參與現場的一小段拍攝。  ...查看?
Mary Robinson
Mary Robinson
Ireland | Human Rights
Mary Robinson is a former President of Ireland, former United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, and a founding member and Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders. In 2004, she received Amnesty International's Ambassador of Conscience Award for her work in promoting human rights.  ...查看?
Edgar Mitchell
Edgar Mitchell
United States | Science
1971年,他執行阿波羅14號任務,成功登陸月球,改變了他的人生經歷,他也從此聞名。他是思維科學機構的創始人,發起了對意識性質的研究。  ...查看?
Peace Boat
Peace Boat
Japan | Activism |
Peace Boat seeks to create awareness and action based on effecting positive social and political change in the world. We pursue this through the organization of global educational programmes, responsible travel, cooperative projects and advocacy activities. These activities are carried out on a partnership basis with other civil society organizations and communities in Japan, Northeast Asia, and around the world. Peace Boat carries out its main activities through a chartered passenger ship that travels the world on peace voyages. The ship creates a neutral, mobile space and enables people to engage across borders in dialogue and mutual cooperation at sea, and in the ports that we visit. A  ...查看?
Nestor Kirchner
Nestor Kirchner
Argentina | Politics
Nestor Carlos Kirchner fue el 54º presidente de la Nación Argentina, desde el 25 de mayo de 2003 hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2007. Fue sucedido en el 2007 por Cristina Fernández, su esposa. Antes de ser electo presidente fue gobernador de la provincia de Santa Cruz. En la actualidad es el presidente del Partido Justicialista.  ...查看?
Lou Reed
Lou Reed
United States | Music
Lou Reed es un cantante y compositor estadounidense de rock, más conocido como el guitarrista y vocalista de The Velvet Underground. Reed también tuvo una gran influencia y éxito como solista . Algunas de sus canciones más populares son 'Walk on the Wild Side' & 'Sweet Jane'.  ...查看?
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Rigoberta Menchú Tum
Guatemala | Nobel Prizes |
來自於K'iche-Maya本土組織的Rigoberta Menchú Tum博士在1992年被授予諾貝爾和平獎。她說“我要為那些世界各地為和平而貢獻自己一份力量的所有朋友們,送上一份特別的問候。首先,我想號召年輕人來參與這項為和平而進行的運動,可以讓他們通過參加像這樣的全球活動而使世界變得更美好。  ...查看?
Gilberto Gil
Gilberto Gil
Brazil | Music |
Em janeiro de 2003, quando o presidente Luís Inácio Lula da Silva tomou posse, nomeou-o para o cargo de ministro da Cultura, função que desempenhou até julho de 2008, quando voltou a dedicar-se com maior exclusividade à sua vida artística. Gilberto Gil tem 12 discos de ouro, 5 discos de platina, 7 "Grammy Awards" e mais de 4 milhões de discos vendidos. Por seu engajamento sempre criativo em levar para o mundo o coração e a alma da música brasileira, tem sido contemplado por diversas entidades e personalidades e tem recebido muitos prêmios no Brasil e no exterior, que confirmam seu talento, sua curiosidade e a firmeza de sua convicção cultural como músico e embaixador c  ...查看?
Carlos Alberto Valderrama Palacio - El Pibe
Carlos Alberto Valderrama Palacio - El Pibe
Colombia | Sports |
哥倫比亞足球運動員卡洛斯-巴爾德拉馬同樣支持世界游行,鼓勵人們參與他的全國性廣播錄制現場,號召結束戰爭、完全消除核武器。  ...查看?

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