2024年七月16 (星期二) Bookmark and Share
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March Day 93 !

PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information


What is the base team?

It's an international team of people of different cultures and organizations.
The team is made up of more than 100 people, with a permanent core of 30.
In a symbolic gesture, the team will cover the route of the World March (WM) from New Zealand to Argentina, travelling 160,000 km in 93 days.
The Base Team is the catalyst of the WM. Thousands of other people are expected to march through places not passed by the Base Team, thus building a real "marching network".

Composition of the Base Team

The Base Team was configured by World Without Wars; members were selected from a huge number of applications from all over the world. The aim was to create a multicultural and multidisciplinary team that reflects the rich diversity of the human race.
Various criteria were used to select members of the team: involvement in the organization of the WM, and diversity in all fields - gender, age, nationality and culture - as well as physical and psychological fitness for the march.

Base Team Roles

Members of the Base Team will take on different roles, in order to ensure that the WM works well from day to day: spokesperson, press, relations with outside organizations, communication, video, photography, web publishing, logistics, medical and legal issues, etc.

Logistics of the Base Team

In order for the Base Team to fulfil these roles, a huge range of logistic elements are required. These may be donated by anyone who wishes to do so.

  • Film and photographic materials and equipment
  • Communication via satellite and mobile phone
  • Medical and legal equipment
  • Transport
  • Board and lodging
  • Clothing and equipment
  • IT equipment
  • Logistics (dissemination, merchandising etc.)

General coordinator: Rafael De La Rubia

Institutional relations:  Micky Hisrch ( [email protected] )
Base Team coordinator: Marco Inglessis ( [email protected]
Medical assistance Base Team:  Francesca Izzo ([email protected])
Economy, flight tickets and accommodation: Montse Prieto ( [email protected] )
Press: Isabel Bourgeoise: [email protected]
Agenda: Valerio Colombo ( [email protected] )
Video productions: Federico Palumbo ( [email protected] )

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