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General Documents

March Day 93 !
October 2, 2009
January 2, 2010

Informations and Recomendations
PUNTA DE VACAS 2010 - Useful Information
Local links and reservations

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World March Logo

World March Logo

PDF Suecia | Logo WM Svenska | 1.8 MB | Updated on: 10/04/2009
IMG Sweden | Logo WM Svenska | 1.3 MB | Updated on: 10/04/2009
Brochure for dissemination

Brochure for dissemination

PDF Suecia | Brochure Svenska | 387.8 KB | Updated on: 10/04/2009
PDF Suecia | Brochure Svenska | 1.9 MB | Updated on: 10/04/2009


Map of the complete March

Map of the complete March

World March Banners

World March Banners

World Without Wars Logo

World Without Wars Logo

IMG Sweden | Värld Utan Krigs Logo | 280.1 KB | Updated on: 23/06/2009
Other documents of the March

Other documents of the March

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