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Put your body into the March
Spain | September 06, 2009 06:25 |
With the slogan “Put your body into the March” a performance was done in Barcelona to mark the start of the third world endorsement campaign.  ...View?

La Marche des Invisibles !
France | September 06, 2009 05:00 |
82 % de la population française sont contre les armes nucléaires, mais les médias et les politiciens ne les voient pas : nous sommes les INVISIBLES !  ...View?

Antipodes for Peace
Spain | September 03, 2009 19:33 |
Alaejos, the Spanish town diametrically opposed to Wellington, is promoting a campaign that links the two peace cities to support the start of the World March in the New Zealand capital.  ...View?

Chilean National Association of Professional Football joins the World March
Chile | September 02, 2009 19:58 |
This Tuesday, the president of the Chilean Football body signed an agreement with World without Wars. The World March will be advertised in all Chilean football matches.  ...View?

Campaña “Millones de símbolos humanos por la paz”
Philippines | September 02, 2009 19:14
La campaña está organizando figuras humanas de símbolos de la paz y de la no-violencia, que serán fotografiados desde el aire a partir del próximo 21 de septiembre, 'día internacional de la paz'.  ...View?

Sarah Onyango "Obama" endorses the World March
Kenya | September 02, 2009 15:06 |
The grandmother of the President of the United States of America over the weekend endorsed the World.  ...View?

Lanzamiento MM Departamento de Santander
Colombia | September 01, 2009 16:00 |
El pasado 1 de Octubre en la Gobernación de Santander; Colombia, se realizó un Evento de Lanzamiento de la MM y adhesión del Dr. Horacio Serpa Uribe, uno de los lideres políticos mas importantes y conocidos de Colombia.  ...View?

Caminan durante una semana por la paz y la no violencia
Spain | September 01, 2009 02:28 |
La asociación catalana "Amigos del Valle de Núria" ha organizado la IXª edición del "Camino de los Amigos de Núria", que este año ha dedicado a la Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No Violencia.  ...View?

Semilleros en colegios de Quito
Ecuador | August 31, 2009 04:25 |
En varios colegios de Quito, 'los semilleros' realizan talleres y otras actividades sobre la Marcha Mundial por la paz y la no violencia.  ...View?

Marcha por la Paz en San Miguel de Bolivar
Ecuador | August 31, 2009 02:03
500 personas participan en Marcha por la Paz y la No Violencia, en San Miguel de Bolívar,  ...View?

Ramadan futsal* tournament
Spain | August 31, 2009 00:44 |
The 3rd Ramadan futsal tournament in the Valenciana region supports and endorses the WM  ...View?

Nueve ciudades recordaron a Nagasaky e Hiroshima en Ecuador
Ecuador | August 30, 2009 22:23 |
Quito, Guayaquil, Machala, Cuenca, Riobamba,Ambato, Santa Elena, Babahoyo y Manta se sumaron a la conmemoración con diferentes actos y recordaron a Nagasaky e Hiroshima en Ecuador  ...View?

WM event to be held in the Chapel of Mankind during the WM
Ecuador | August 30, 2009 21:53 |
The Latin American Coordinator for the WM met with members of the Guayasamin Foundation in Quito.  ...View?

El futuro volvió a marchar
Argentina | August 29, 2009 08:39 |
El centro de Buenos Aires volvió a vestirse de color con el recorrido que varios cientos de jóvenes hicieron por sus calles, para difundir la Marcha Mundial.  ...View?

The World March @ Bondi Beach
Australia | August 28, 2009 19:27 |
Details have arrived from Australia about the planned events for the World March.  ...View?

UN Students association in Bangladesh to join the March
Bangladesh | August 28, 2009 18:45 |
World March organisers in Bangladesh were delighted to report the news that the UNYSAB (United Nations Youth and Students Associations of Bangladesh) are endorsing the World March.  ...View?

160 schools get together in support of the WM
Argentina | August 28, 2009 03:03 |
Teachers and administrators to endorse the March and promote peace and nonviolence initiatives with their students  ...View?

The Base Team is on the Web - Donate a kilometre
| August 27, 2009 16:58 |
A new section has been released on the international website presenting the members that will do the symbolic journey from New Zealand to Argentina.  ...View?

Costa Rica’s Minister of Education Endorses the World March
Costa Rica | August 27, 2009 10:10 |
Minister of Education, Dr. Leonardo Garnier Rímolo, demonstrates his support endorsing and organizing activities in the file of education for the World March. Dr. Rímolo considers the the March to be of great interest to the country, “Education for Nonviolence”, especially the elements that can be incorporated in the Costa Rican curriculum, is very useful in this moment.  ...View?

Presentation of the March in prison
Spain | August 25, 2009 02:54 |
The WM was presented to inmates and social workers in El Dueso Prison.  ...View?

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