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Canadian and Australian Green Party leaders back the World March
| May 22, 2009 17:56 |
In an interesting convergence of interests, Greens around the world express support for the World March for Peace and Nonviolence  ...View?

India’s largest people’s movement, Ekta Parishad, endorses the World March
India | May 22, 2009 16:43 |
Ekta Parishad, an organisation founded on the principles of nonviolence agree to collaborate in the March’s success.  ...View?

The March at the Mendoza book fair
Argentina | May 22, 2009 12:40 |
In the event that took place between the 19th and 22nd of May, which 4000 people visited, the World March had a table, videos were shown and 2 conferences were given.  ...View?

The Argentine Foreign Office promotes "Nonviolent Cities"
Argentina | May 22, 2009 06:32 |
This is a proposal by the Commission "Mercosur free of Violence", in support of the World March.  ...View?

Adhesión del Sr. Embajador de Palestina en México, Said M.I. Hamad
Mexico | May 22, 2009 01:08 |
En un ambiente de franca camaradería y con una comida ofrecida a los medios, hizo su adhesión oficialmente el Sr. Embajador de Palestina en México. Se leyó ante los medios presentes su declaración, así como la felicitación a nombre del Vocero Latinoamericano del Movimiento Humanista, el Sr. Tomás Hirsch.  ...View?

New endorsements for the World March from the world of culture.
Spain | May 21, 2009 05:42 |
This weeks the endorsements of film director Pedro Almodovar, Spanish actress Pelelope Cruz and Chilean author, Isable Allende were announced.  ...View?

Participación del Embajador de Palestina en México en la UNAM
Mexico | May 21, 2009 01:18 |
En el Centro de Enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras (CELE) dentro del marco de la Marcha Mundial se realizó la actividad “Paz y No Violencia en todas las lenguas, organizada por el CELE y La Comunidad para el Desarrollo Humano.”  ...View?

Governor of Mendoza Province, Argentina endorses the World March
Argentina | May 20, 2009 02:43 |
In a meeting on the 18th of May with members of the foundation World without Wars of Argentina and Chile, members of the Pangea Foundation and the Da Vinci Foundation; the Mendoza Government committed to support the World March in the field of Tourism in the province.  ...View?

The most senior Muslim cleric in Guinea endorses the World March
Guinea | May 19, 2009 20:56 |
On the afternoon of Tuesday 12th May 2009 an important message of peace arrives from the Muslim community in Africa.  ...View?

World March Press Conference
Argentina | May 19, 2009 06:28 |
Local and national representatives gathered with the local press and city authorities.  ...View?

Large participation and diverse activities at the second Nonviolence Forum in Villa Gesell, Argentina
Argentina | May 19, 2009 05:21 |
Surpassing the expectations of the organisers, on the 16th of May the II Nonviolence Forum of Villa Gessell took place in a high school in the Argentinean coastal town.  ...View?

World March weekly spot on Colombian TV
Colombia | May 18, 2009 19:50 |
Caracol TV’s latest TV spot about the World March.  ...View?

Simon Bolivar University publicises the World March
Ecuador | May 18, 2009 11:55 |
Students at Simon Bolivar University in Quito, Ecuador started to recieve information about the World March many months ago. This decision was taken by the University Rector after finding out about the Campaign.  ...View?

Commemorative lottery tickets for the World March
Spain | May 18, 2009 04:46 |
Spanish endorsing organisation ONCE produces commemorative lottery tickets for the World March  ...View?

Atapuerca and Santillana del Mar, archaeological heritage sites, endorse the World March
Spain | May 18, 2009 02:12 |
Both Spanish councils, internationally know for their prehistoric archaeological importance for Humanity are betting on the future, supporting the publicising of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in their respective musical festivals: the II Atapercu International Percussion Festival and the X Infrequent Music Festival.  ...View?

Endorsement by 5 Regional Education Supervisors in Mendoza, Argentina
Argentina | May 15, 2009 18:00 |
The Supervisors of the 5 Regions of the General Direction of Schools in Mendoza Province, Argentina, covering almost 740 schools, endorse the World March for Peace and Nonviolence and it is suggested to include it in extra-curricular programmes  ...View?

Evo Morales: What more important cause than peace could there be?
Bolivia | May 15, 2009 18:00 |
The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, formalised his endorsement of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence in a meeting that took place with the Latin American spokesperson for Humanism, Tomas Hirsch.  ...View?

Picnic for peace at the Parco della Pace
Italy | May 15, 2009 10:09 |
In the 20th municipality in Rome, residents just need to bring their lunch with them to be entertained by street artists and entertainers with games and shows at the ‘Picnic for peace’, organised by Nessuno Tocchi Pierino for the World March for Peace and Non-Violence. Sunday 17 May 2009, 10am – 8pm in the Parco della Pace, Rome.  ...View?

Day of Peace and Nonviolence in the Dar es Salam district of Conakry, Guinea
Guinea | May 15, 2009 00:00 |
Friday 14th May 2009 a Day of Peace was organised by humanists in the Dar es Salam district of Conakry to promote the World March for Peace and Nonviolence  ...View?

Spanish champion Carlos Sastre joins the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
Italy | May 14, 2009 18:00 |
Winner of the last Tour de France and popular favourite for the Italian ‘Giro del centenario’, Spanish champion Carlos Sastre showed his support for the World March for Peace and Non-Violence. He meets with the local promotion team in Trieste.  ...View?

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