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Sosialidemokraattiset Nuoret (Social Democratic Youth in Finland)
Sosialidemokraattiset Nuoret (Social Democratic Youth in Finland)
Finland | Politics
Social Democratic Youth in Finland or Demarinuoret in Finnish is a political youth organization which works for a better, more just future for everyone. They are an independent organization with around 8500 members but as they share the same social democratic values they do also cooperate with SDP, the Social Democratic Party in Finland. Demarinuoret is also a member of IUSY (International Union of Socialist Youth) and ECOSY (European Community Organization of Socialist Youth).  ...View?
Local Democracy Agency of Verteneglio
Local Democracy Agency of Verteneglio
Croatia | Human Rights
Main aim: to support the consolidation of local democracy and the role of the civil society within the Istrian Region together with the ALDA (Association of all Local Democracy Agencies) in the south-east Europe.  ...View?
Women's action of Rijeka
Women's action of Rijeka
Croatia | Human Rights
We aim at a new discovery and devolopment of the women's function in the construction of a stable and planned social life. The goal: we work as the pacific activism of the women become fundament of a culture of peace and nonviolence in all the Balkans. We are trying to organize one regional net of women for the peace.  ...View?
Franco Juri
Franco Juri
Slovenia | Politics
Born in Koper in 1956, in the years '80 and '90 he looked after human rights and he was deputy in the first democratically elected Parliament of Ljubljana. After Slovenia's indipendence he hold important tasks in the diplomacy of his country: embassador in Spain and Cuba and Secretery of State at Foreign Office.  ...View?
Youth Can
Youth Can
Macedonia | Other
Youth organization in Skopje.  ...View?
Ayuntamiento de Pájara
Ayuntamiento de Pájara
Spain | Municipality
Pájara es un municipio canario perteneciente a la provincia de Las Palmas. Situado en parte del centro de la isla de Fuerteventura, abarca también todo el sur de la isla (península de Jandía). En la sesión del 30 de septiembre de 2009 el Pleno municipal del Ayuntamiento adoptó el acuerdo de adherir a la Marcha Mundial Por la Paz y la No-violencia  ...View?
Como tú, como yo
Como tú, como yo
Spain | Human Rights |
Como tú, Como yo, es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro formada por un grupo de hombres y mujeres que intentan que su vida, su trabajo y sus ocupaciones diarias sirvan para que otras personas con problemas diversos (sociales, económicos, culturales, etc.) tengan la posibilidad de salir adelante y vivir con la dignidad que merece todo ser humano. Constituida en Madrid el año 2002 (con nº 24.365 en el registro de asociaciones de la Comunidad de Madrid) , pretende ser un espacio abierto a todos aquellos que quieran compartir su vida, su fe y sus bienes desde la sencillez, la austeridad y el servicio, buscando primero una transformación personal verdadera, para así llegar a transformar  ...View?
Faculty of Philosophy of University
Faculty of Philosophy of University
Macedonia | Education
Municipal center of social work in Skopje
Municipal center of social work in Skopje
Macedonia | Human Rights
Institution for social protection in Skopje. The aim is addressing the social protection needs of the population in terms of social assistance and function on a territorial principle in multidisciplinary teams composed of social workers and lawyers.  ...View?
Petar Rendzov
Petar Rendzov
Macedonia | Music

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