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World March in Stockholm 11/11/2009
Language: ENG | Country: Sweden | Duration: 8:05
Stockholm 29 October,part 1: BT arrival, visit to parliament and march
10° Arrivo del equipe base a Svezia - Danimarca - Rep Ceca 11/11/2009
Language: ITL | Country: Italy | Duration: 3:09
Arrivo del equipe base a Svezia - Danimarca - Rep Ceca - Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Non Violenza.
9° Arrivo del equipe base a Egitto, Turchia-Istanbul 11/11/2009
Language: ITA | Country: Italy | Duration: 3:26
Arrivo del equipe base a Egitto, Turchia-Istanbul - Marcia Mondiale per la Pace e la Non Violenza.
9eme video EB_FR 11/11/2009
Language: FRA | Country: Argentina | Duration: 3:27
9eme video del EB de la MM subtitulos en frances.
10mo editado Eq. Base MM (suecia dinamarca y republica checa) 11/10/2009
Language: ESP | Country: International | Duration: 3:11
091108 La Marcia Mondiale della Pace e della Nonviolenza a Vicenza 11/08/2009
Language: ITA | Country: Italy | Duration: 1:58
Vicenza - Vicenza citt� della pace: la marcia per la pace e per la nonviolenza ha sfilato lungo le vie cittadine da Campo Marzo fino al Monte Berico. Partita il 2 ottobre dalla Nuova Zelanda la marcia attraverser� in tre mesi sei continenti. (Valentina Voi)
Trieste - simbolo della pace 11/08/2009
Language: ITA | Country: Italy | Duration: 2:31
Trieste - simbolo della pace
Basisteam - Ankunft in Berlin am 6.11.2009 11/08/2009
Language: DEU | Country: Germany | Duration: 4:55
Das Basisteam des weltweiten Marsches für Frieden und Gewaltfreiheit kommt am 6.11.2009 in Berlin-Schöbefeld an.
The World March in Berlin 11/08/2009
Language: ENG | Country: Germany | Duration: 3:56
The World March in Berlin - By Isabelle
Estambul Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la No Violencia 11/07/2009
Language: | Country: Turkey | Duration: 3:38
Marcha por las calles de Estambul, festival de musica, visita al municipalidad de Estambul
9no editado equipo base MM (Egipto Turquia y Estambul) 11/07/2009
Language: ESP | Country: International | Duration: 3:27
Stjepan Mesic President of Croatia 11/06/2009
Language: ENG | Country: Croatia | Duration: 1:53
November 5, 2009 Zagreb - Croatia meeting with Stjepan Mesic President of Croatia
Sarjevo March with the President of Bosnia-Herzegovina 11/06/2009
Language: ENG | Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina | Duration: 2:36
WM meets President of Bosnia-Herzegovina Zeljko Komsic
World March Oslo 11/06/2009
Language: | Country: Norway | Duration: 6:02
Protest against wars. World march for peace and non violence in Oslo.
MARCHE MONDIALE, 5 nov 2009, l'équipe de base à Bruxelles 11/06/2009
Language: FRA | Country: Belgium | Duration: 9:04
LA MARCHE MONDIALE POUR LA PAIX ET LA NON VIOLENCE Ce jeudi 5 novembre 2009, l'équipe de base était en Belgique, à Bruxelles. La journée fut riche en activités diverses (politique, culturelle, poétique).

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