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A New York Base Team Videoclip 12/03/2009
Language: ENG | Country: United States | Duration: 0:47
World March for Peace and Nonviolence in New York City (30 november - 1 december 2009)
World March For Peace And Nonviolence, Brooklyn Bridge March NYC 12/02/2009
Language: EBG | Country: United States | Duration: 6:40
World March For Peace and Nonviolence begins the Americas Tour in NYC. Music by Earthdriver - Video created by Matthew Dimakos.
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence in WashingtonDC - short version 12/02/2009
Language: ENG | Country: United States | Duration: 4:19
On Dec. 2nd, 2009, members of the World March Base Team were joined by Universal Humanists from New York City, in Washington D.C. They were there to celebrate Martin Luther King at the Lincoln Memorial, and to protest the build up of troops in Afghanistan.
NYC - The World March at Ground Zero 12/02/2009
Language: ENG | Country: United States | Duration: 9:51
On December 1, 2009, the World March Base team participated in a Ceremony of Reconciliation at "Ground Zero" in New York City. Speakers include: Dennis Redmond, the US Coordinator of the World March, Terry Greene and Anne Mulderry, from September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows and International Network for Peace, Rafael de la Rubia, international spokesperson for the World March, Tony Robinson (translating) as part of the base team, Hope Jolles leads the Ceremony of Reconciliation.
TWM welcomes by the UN Secretary-General, M. Ban Ki Moon 12/01/2009
Language: ENG | Country: United States | Duration: 2:26
The world March for Peace and Nonviolence welcomes by the UN Secretary-General, M. Ban Ki Moon
La Marche Mondiale parcourt la Côte d'Ivoire. Evènement à Abidjan 12/01/2009
Language: FRA | Country: Côte d’Ivoire | Duration: 6:15
La Marche Mondiale parcourt la Côte d'Ivoire. Evènement à Abidjan
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence in New York City 12/01/2009
Language: ENG | Country: International | Duration: 4:04
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence in New York City - by Isabelle
The World March in NYC - Part 1 12/01/2009
Language: ENG | Country: United States | Duration: 5:24
The World March for Peace and Nonviolence Brooklyn Bridge March and Press Conference at City Hall. What: Over a thousand people are marching across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall in support of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence -- a global initiative to end wars, nuclear weapons and violence - By Kurt Heyl.
16vo Editado Equipo Base Marcha Mundial (España: Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga) 11/29/2009
Language: ESP | Country: International | Duration: 3:01
the path 091129 11/29/2009
Language: INT | Country: International | Duration: 5:32
the route of the march from New Zealand to Spain.
Marcha por la Paz y la No violencia Aguascalientes 11/28/2009
Language: ESP | Country: Mexico | Duration: 9:53
Marcha de bienvenida a la caravana de la Marcha Mundial que llega a Mexico el 3 de dicembre del 2009 .
La Marche Mondiale pour la Paix et la Nonviolence - Ile de Gorée 11/28/2009
Language: FRA | Country: Senegal | Duration: 4:29
La Marche Mondiale pour la Paix et la Nonviolence - Ile de Gorée - Sénégal - by Isabelle
La Marche Mondiale arrive a Sénégal 27/11/2009 11/27/2009
Language: | Country: Senegal | Duration: 4:14
La Marche Mondiale arrive a Sénégal 27/11/2009 - by Isabelle
La Marche Mondiale à Nouakchott- Mauritanie 11/25/2009
Language: FRA | Country: Mauritania | Duration: 4:05
La Marche Mondiale à Nouakchott- Mauritanie (by Isabelle)
Equipo Base en Mallorca 11/24/2009
Language: ESP | Country: Spain | Duration: 8:40
Una marcha recorre Palma de Mallorca

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